Wednesday 18 March 2009

Mobile Phone Snooping

Ok, picture this. Your sibling/friend/boyfriend/anybody else on the planet possessing a mobile phone gets up, walks out of the room and leaves their phone next to you.
Morality is telling you not to snoop, but there is such a short space between your hand and that phone, and you are just so damn curious!
Chances are there’s nothing on there even worth looking at, but you know in your heart of hearts that you NEED to have a quick browse – even if it’s just through the texts.
So you go through the moral dilemma of looking or not looking. Personally, I generally always look (unless of course I know from a past encounter that they have a boring phone).
Everybody does it, and everybody knows that everybody else does it; it’s just that nobody talks about it, because even if you do find something juicy then you would have to admit to being a phone peeper.
Maybe there are people on the planet who can see an unguarded mobile phone and not even consider being a little bit nosy, and if there is I would LOVE to meet them, because clearly they are more strong willed than most of us.


  1. How do you feel about the Bush Administration listening to your phone calls after the snooping they are doing?
    Silver MLM

  2. Love the simple things in life - going out for Bush Administration listening to your phone calls after the snooping they are doing..
    Herman Miller Aeron
