Saturday 28 February 2009

Comment on "Kate's Column" - Prostitution

Kate Egginton’s Blog.
Prostitutes do have a slight stigma attached to them. If it’s your job title then you’re a cheap STD ridden whore, if you visit one then you’re a lecherous sleaze ball.
Granted, it’s not an occupation I wish to pursue, but I don’t think it deserves the level of criticism it gets. There are probably quite a lot of jobs that quite a lot of people would prefer not to do, so why should prostitutes suffer constant critiquing when choosing to turn tricks was their own conscious decision.
That’s why I was so relieved to read Kate’s blog. I think that prostitution SHOULD just be seen as a business transaction. Or at the least it should not suffer any more condemnation than two people engaging in a one night stand.
I guess at the end of the day a prostitute is just a preferable option over somebody’s right hand, but they are still treated like people. They can choose who they accept and who they decline, how much they are going to be paid, what they are willing to do and if they are going to be seeing the person again. This basically sounds like a one night stand (if we forget the small stipulation about money changing hands.) So does it really matter if prostitute’s reasons are financial rather than sexual?

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